Flood Relief Information
Those wishing to donate to Faith Lutheran Church for the purpose of restoring our building after the damage caused by the flood, select the "Flood Relief Form".
All funds donated to this fund will be specifically used to restore or replace items damaged by the flood.
Here at Faith, we know that everything we have comes from God, and in recognition of this truth, we decide to give some of our assets back to God. This has been practiced since days of long ago, and is why Abraham built an altar to the Lord at each place he lived; it was his way of saying that everything belongs to God. We may not construct stone altars anymore (although the first altar at Faith was literally made of stone – and was quite heavy!), but we still practice giving back to God what we have been blessed with.
Giving can look many different ways – for some people, they prefer to give in person at the church – to that end, we have the Blessing Box available on Sunday mornings, and the drop-off box located outside on the south side of the main doors. You can also mail your offering to PO Box 1322, Spencer, IA 51301.
For those who would like, you can text your gift by texting the word “give” to 712-214-4317 and then following the instructions.
We also offer online giving, where you can set up one-time or recurring gifts. Click the button that says “Give Online” to get started!